Alignment Services: We don’t have to replace your agency or marketing team—we can align our services with theirs.

How to Make Your Ads Convert by Providing a Consistent Trail

When a web visitor searches for something online, using Google, Twitter or any other search engine, they are likely to follow two or more trails that seem to be leading to the desired outcome. If one of these trails is your business, you need to ensure that you offer the client exactly what they are looking for.

Don’t force the customer to go back to the search engine in order to fulfill their need because your ad was misleading. This usually happens when you have high traffic that is not targeted.

Marketing with no conversions

You’ve probably experienced this, visiting a website because you thought it would offer the information they had promised on the ad but you end up in a totally different site. This is the kind of marketing that doesn’t result in any conversions. It only generates a high bounce rate for the site and doesn’t add any value to your business.

You need to avoid this kind of marketing if you are really interested in boosting your conversions. Make sure that whatever information you promise prospects when they click your ad is available on the landing page.

To keep those customers coming in, consider the 3 tips below.

Invest in a quality website design

There are certain elements on your website that may keep people coming in. They include things like the website layout, the images, font size, colors and site speed. Landing pages that generate the highest conversion rates have done the best when it comes to all these elements. Maintaining the same colors, a suitable font size and beautiful graphics may do wonders for your conversion rates. So as you take time to come up with an effective ad copy, redesign the landing pages to create the right first impression to your web visitors.

Offer the benefits promoted on the ad

When a customer clicks on an ad, they expect to find more information on the landing page. You need to provide adequate information on the benefits that the customer is interested in. Don’t send the customer to a home page that contains all the services you offer and then expect him/her to look through multiple pages in order to find what they are truly looking for. The headline should be catchy and the benefits should be clearly stated for the customer to see when they get to the landing page.

Maintain the offer

If the customer was drawn to your website because of an offer, make sure the landing page provides all the information about that offer. You may even maintain the same headline on the ad copy to be on the landing page. Don’t make the offer difficult for the customer to find when they click on the ad. It’s going to affect your conversion rates.

The idea is to offer your web visitors value and the ability to find just what they are looking for when they click on an ad. Using these 3 strategies, you’ll boost conversion rates by offering value.

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