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How to Design Web Pages That Convert

There’s a certain part of the human brain that affects how people make buying decisions. In fact, research shows that people start considering certain options after they’ve already made a decision. They just compare their options in order to attach logic to the decision they’ve already made. Understanding how the brain influences these buying decisions is actually very important for every marketer. It helps you to know what elements you can incorporate to make a client choose your product or service and stick to that decision.

When it comes to web pages, you need to focus on influencing your web visitors with emotions. Forget about persuading people using words; just think of ways to influence their emotions.

We are going to look at 4 distinct ways to create web pages that actually convert by influencing people with emotions.

Providing Limited Varieties to Choose From

One of the biggest lies in marketing is that if you offer customers a lot of varieties, they are likely to convert because there’s a high chance that they’ll find what they want. The truth is, if you want customers to convert, avoid overwhelming them with too many choices. When you offer a lot of choices, people are likely to experience a cognitive overload. What this simply means is, that they won’t make any choice because the variety of options make it harder for them to choose, thus suspending the decision making process.

Consider a typical example where a customer wants to buy a brush. When the customer visits one ecommerce site, he/she is presented with more than 200 brushes to choose from. Yet another site’s landing page presents just 5 types of brushes, making it easier for the customer to choose from.

It’s very important to narrow down options on behalf of your customer to make it easy for them to choose what they want. For instance, if you categorize your items based on what the customer is looking for, it makes it easier for them to find what they’re looking for without the burden of looking through hundreds of items on your site.

Remember that in this first step, the idea is to avoid overwhelming customers by presenting too many choices. They can’t process this entire information at once so do your best to break it down to them as much as possible.

Start with the Most Expensive Option

This may work for a number of reasons. People will develop assumptions depending on the first information they see. For instance, if the first price they see is very low then they’ll tend to assume that the product is relatively cheap. But if you start with the highest price as you go down then this high price will set a reference point when making a buying decision.

This means that if you have a number of products that have different price ranges, start with the highest to the lowest. If you start with the lowest plan, your visitor may already anchor on that low one and so might never find logic in getting the highly priced options. It’s just the way the brain works- the first piece of information sets precedence for the decision someone is about to make.

But even as you plan on doing this, make sure your presentation is deliberate. Your goal should be to increase sales on the items that are priced a little bit higher.

Use an Editorial Tone that Connects with Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is important as it allows you to create website copy that is perfectly suited for them. Generic website content doesn’t work because it doesn’t show how you can offer something different from your competition.

First, you need to create social proof by showing just how many people have used your product or service and how it can help others who are in a similar situation. The other thing is to do what it takes to connect with your online visitors. Give your business a personality. Using a language, which your audience is familiar with, can do this. Because when you connect with your audience you create instant rapport, helping users see that you share some value with their business.

You can do this in so many ways. One simple way is to use cartoons to convey a certain message instead of the usual visuals. Don’t be afraid if you lose some people along the way. In fact only those that share your business aspirations are likely to become loyal customers. You may not be able to make everyone like your web pages, but if you can attract your target customers, it’s going to be a huge success. After all, nothing can please every single website visitor.

Stimulate People Using Effective Graphics

Human beings are very visual. The brain actually processes visual information much faster compared to other forms of displaying information. By using graphics in the right way, you can help people to make a quick choice. When developing graphics, it’s important to keep usability and relevance in mind. Graphics that compromise user experience do not enhance conversion rates. Avoid unnecessary and distracting graphics that do not add value to the customer but only affect the site’s usability.

One of the things many graphic designs like to incorporate on websites is the rotating banner. While it may work for some business, in many cases it doesn’t help the web visitor to make a quick choice because the information is moving and may aggravate someone. It’s not easy to read a message on a rotating banner. Visuals should be used sparingly on every web page instead of distracting the users.

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